Top Quartile
Top Quartile
Understanding customer needs and the innovation agenda w/Rilla Delorier

Rilla Delorier, who sits on multiple bank and fintech boards, joins Dan Marks on this episode to discuss how banks can ensure innovation gets the proper attention at the board and management level. 


  • Innovation from the perspective of a bank executive vs a bank board member 
  • How Rilla filters and prioritizes key information
  • Understanding the customer perspective to inform strategy 
  • The importance of having people from different perspectives to spark inspiration 
  • Key innovation areas of opportunity for community banks
  • Avoiding the ‘twin traps’ of being too aggressive and too massive on a transformation program as opposed to not doing enough 
  • 3 key lessons learned by Rilla that would be helpful for bank management 
  • Advice Rilla would give to her younger self  